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Modernize Your Finance Desktop: Building Cutting-Edge Apps with FDC3 & OpenFin

Modernize Your Finance Desktop: Building Cutting-Edge Apps with FDC3 & OpenFin

Modernize finance desktops in wealth management, capital markets and compliance with FDC3 and OpenFin

Improving the Documentation vs. Improving the UI

Ideally, conduct usability studies on both the user interface and the documentation to help you define and prioritize problems with both. The data you gather will help you to measure the benefits in terms of business metrics for both the UI and the documentation.

Getting Management Buy-in for Usability

If management isn’t implementing changes based on usability tests, they might not be convinced of the value of the data you’ve collected.

2021 Trends in Fraud (AML)

The focus of this webinar is to identify Machine Learning, Visualization, and Graph technology trends in 2021 that can increase the accuracy and output of systems, and how including the ‘Human in the Loop’ can get you ahead of AML legislation.