Expero Jetpack
Connected Jetpack: An AI-assisted analytics module for navigating complex data and generating actionable insights!
Financial Crimes Solutions for Tier 2 Banks
This webinar discusses the challenges faced by mid-sized banks (Tier-2) in complying with Anti-Money Laundering (AML) regulations. It highlights how new, turnkey Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology can help these banks fight fraud while reducing unnecessary investigations (false positives).
Home Insurance demo
Watch our demo on how to improve efficiency and accuracy in detecting fraudulent home insurance claims.
Jetpack for Wealth Screener
Connected Jetpack: An AI-assisted analytics module for navigating complex data and generating actionable insights!
Technology Solutions for Trade Surveillance
During this webinar we provide an in-depth look at the challenges of trade surveillance and how financial institutions can use technology and best practices to protect themselves from financial crimes.
Wealth Trends & Technology in 2023
The wealth management industry in the United States is facing a number of significant trends and challenges, as a confluence of forces converge on the industry. During this webinar, our panelists discuss trends and technology that they expect to see in the wealth management space in 2023.
2023 Trends in Fraud and AML
During this webinar, our speakers from Expero and Microsoft discuss expected trends in 2023 for Financial Crimes.
Expero CoNNected Financial Crimes
Recent events have created increased focus on Financial Crimes attacks as well as Cyber, AML, and fraud attacks that are growing in sophistication creating losses in the billions.
Connected Financial Crimes - Neo4j White Paper
Building financial crimes software for expert users requires understanding of the specific needs as well as tasks and roles in a larger team of investigators. The goal is to create uniquely tailored solutions to those users’ needs — not create a simple report or dashboard.
Part Two: The Future of the Financial Desktop
The second webinar in a series on the future of the financial desktop. We will identify how to unlock new technology and show how ML techniques can be used with existing technology to drive productivity.
A Fraud Series - Part Six: Insider Threat Security
An insider threat is a vulnerability of a system resulting from people within the organization. This can be intentional or unintentional: accidental breaches due to negligence or phishing are possible. Using the Connected Toolkit, we can use data from within a company’s system to predict where potential insider threats will occur.
A Fraud Series - Part Five: Cybersecurity Detection and Prevention
Data breaches, which can expose emails, passwords, credit card information among other personally identifiable information, are a constant concern for companies who store client data. Our Connected Toolkit alerts users when suspicious behavior occurs, provides the data to learn from prior breaches, and enables you to predict where fraud will happen next.
A Fraud Series - Part Three: Types of Fraud Identified by a Detection System
It is important to note that as time goes on, fraudsters will continue to adapt to rules and regulations that attempt to prevent them from committing fraud. While supervised detection systems can detect certain types of fraud well, oftentimes analysts don’t immediately know whether new patterns are indicative of fraud or not. This is why it is important to use an unsupervised system that can learn not only from existing patterns, but from new patterns as well.
2022 Trends in Fraud + AML
The focus of this webinar is to highlight Machine Learning, Visualizations, and Graph technology trends in 2022 that will increase the accuracy and output of systems, and how including the ‘Human in the Loop’ can get your teams ahead of potential gaps in your anti-fraud solutions and government AML legislation.
Financial Services: Fighting AML and Trade Fraud
Get a quick look on how to synchronize the trader desktop and the trade sanctions back office functionality to identify real time issues and avoid sanctions in trades, settlements, AML risk profiles and non-compliance.
2021 Trends in Fraud (AML)
The focus of this webinar is to identify Machine Learning, Visualization, and Graph technology trends in 2021 that can increase the accuracy and output of systems, and how including the ‘Human in the Loop’ can get you ahead of AML legislation.