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Modernize Your Finance Desktop: Building Cutting-Edge Apps with FDC3 & OpenFin

Modernize Your Finance Desktop: Building Cutting-Edge Apps with FDC3 & OpenFin

Modernize finance desktops in wealth management, capital markets and compliance with FDC3 and OpenFin

A Fraud Series - Part Three: Types of Fraud Identified by a Detection System

It is important to note that as time goes on, fraudsters will continue to adapt to rules and regulations that attempt to prevent them from committing fraud. While supervised detection systems can detect certain types of fraud well, oftentimes analysts don’t immediately know whether new patterns are indicative of fraud or not. This is why it is important to use an unsupervised system that can learn not only from existing patterns, but from new patterns as well. 

Reactive UI Programming Part 2 – Trail By

Recently I was working on a GUI that walked the user through a series of 5 steps in a Workflow. The user would spend most of their time on the 3rd step. As the user made edits, those edits would immediately be sent to the server for processing, and results from the server would show up in a different part of the GUI. There was a requirement that whenever the user left the 3rd step, we needed to send a message to the server to commit the changes they’d made.

Can Research Data Be As Sexy As Design? You Betcha.

Product owners and stakeholders have a tendency to skip over discovery research and go straight to design—and then skip over validation research and go right to release. One of the main drivers behind this tendency is the fact that looking at designs is fun. Looking at numbers and bulleted lists of findings is not (as much) fun (for stakeholders). With designs, they get to see their product progressing and growing from inception to build. Data is more behind-the-scenes; it may drive design, but so what?