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Modernize Your Finance Desktop: Building Cutting-Edge Apps with FDC3 & OpenFin

Modernize Your Finance Desktop: Building Cutting-Edge Apps with FDC3 & OpenFin

Modernize finance desktops in wealth management, capital markets and compliance with FDC3 and OpenFin

Financial Services: Fighting AML and Trade Fraud

Get a quick look on how to synchronize the trader desktop and the trade sanctions back office functionality to identify real time issues and avoid sanctions in trades, settlements, AML risk profiles and non-compliance.

Fraud Detection and Prevention in Healthcare Claims

Fraud and loss affect healthcare payers and providers at a staggering amount each year. This also includes all areas of the business from underwriting to the investigations of claims and payments. In addition, fraud and loss is time consuming to investigate and fraudsters become more sophisticated and utilize more complex methods and technology that make it even harder to detect. The sophistication and pressure from world health events has driven the need for real-time analytics and prevent and intervene strategies.

Multi-Tenant Applications in DataStax Graph

How do you handle customer #2? You delivered an MVP of some hosted software for customer #1. Your brother-in-law knows a guy who has a similar problem and after a lunch meeting, now you need to add customer #2 to your incubating SaaS tool. Of course customer #1 and customer #2 shouldn’t be able to see each other’s data, but you don’t necessarily want to install and configure everything all over again just because you added another customer.