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Modernize Your Finance Desktop: Building Cutting-Edge Apps with FDC3 & OpenFin

Modernize Your Finance Desktop: Building Cutting-Edge Apps with FDC3 & OpenFin

Modernize finance desktops in wealth management, capital markets and compliance with FDC3 and OpenFin

Graph Database Evaluations

In this post we summarize what sorts of questions we feel like a proof of concept project around graph databases can answer, and how we typically tackle them.

Building a Microservice Using Dropwizard and JanusGraph

In this blog post, I'll discuss the process of building a micro service that is backed by a graph database and the technologies leveraged to accomplish it. I'll be building this microservice in Java using Maven for its declarative dependency management and build process and Dropwizard for its straightforward architecture and configuration, and then connect everything up to an Apache Tinkerpop enabled Graph Database.

Multi-Tenant Applications in Neo4j

Neo4j is the most popular graph data store available today. It leverages graph technologies to help build modern high-performing applications, but it does not have any native multi-tenant support. However, you may have decided to build out your multi-tenant application and that Neo4j is the right graph data store to fit your needs. In any multi-tenant system, the trick (from a data-store side) really comes down to how to isolate one tenant’s data (physically or logically) from another tenant’s.