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Building on Digital Transformation - Integrating, Scaling, and Streamlining Wealth Management for the Future

Building on Digital Transformation - Integrating, Scaling, and Streamlining Wealth Management for the Future

This session builds upon the previous webinar's exploration of digital transformation in wealth management. It delves into the convergence of wealth/asset management with banking, insurance, and planning, focusing on hybrid digital solutions and emerging technologies. Topics include integrating traditional and digital practices, scaling advisor impact (fractional investing, platform services), streamlining operations, the future of financial planning (AI), and meeting evolving client expectations. Provides a roadmap for implementing digital strategies and capitalizing on emerging trends.

The 3-Click Rule

Q: Is it important that users be able to get to any content in a website within 3 clicks?

Inversion of 2D Remote Sensing Data to 3D Volumetric Models Using Deep Dimensionality Exchange

Deep dimensionality exchange is a new deep learning protocol developed at Expero for performing domain transfer between domains of different dimensions.

Hard Data from Think-Aloud Tests

Q: We run think-aloud usability tests at my company, but some people here don’t pay attention to the results because we don’t get much “hard” data. Do we need to run different tests?