This past June I was invited to present at NDC Oslo on “Performance is not an option: Building services with gRPC and Cassandra”.

This talk went through an example using Google gRPC and Apache Cassandra to create a high-performance data pipeline for storing time series data that comes from IoT-style applications. For those of you not familiar, Google gRPC is an open-source high-performance RPC framework and Apache Cassandra is a high-performance, high-availability, and linearly scalable NoSQL datastore. In this talk I run through building a high-performing IoT for a fictional trucking company to monitor engine metrics. This includes a demonstration of how to use the native code generation and client/server stubs created by gRPC and the high-performance time-series data storage capabilities of Cassandra to build out a microservice with <10 ms latencies.  

Since this was my first time talking at a major conference I was understandably a bit anxious. Despite my nervous excitement NDC Oslo ended up being a great experience and I quickly came to realize that I had no reason to worry. All the attendees were very friendly and receptive. They also had a lot of great questions and tons of feedback. 

In fact the whole conference was loaded with good information on both technical and soft skills topics. I was able to meet a lot of awesome developers working on interesting projects. All the activity and buzz around the conference was invigorating and made for a great overall experience.

If you get the chance to attend any of the NDC Conferences (also held in London and Sydney), I highly recommend it. If you are not able, then NDC makes all the conference talks available online afterward. Here is a link to all the NDC Oslo 2016 talks you missed: 

Check out the link below to watch a recording of my talk:


Or download the slides HERE.

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