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UX Design for Data Intensive Products & Expert Users

UX Design for Data Intensive Products & Expert Users

July 23, 2024 12:58 AM
CT /
12:58 am
July 23, 2024
July 23, 2024

This webinar will explore the challenges and opportunities of designing user experiences for data-intensive products used by domain experts. We’ll discuss how to create intuitive and effective interfaces for users who possess deep knowledge but require tools to enhance their decision-making. By combining design thinking, data analysis, and technology, we can develop solutions that not only look good but also deliver real business value.

We will delve into specific strategies for working with complex data sets, visualizing information effectively, and leveraging AI to augment user capabilities. Attendees will gain insights into designing for exploratory workflows, building trust through data integrity, and collaborating effectively with data scientists and engineers. Ultimately, this webinar aims to equip participants with the tools and knowledge to create exceptional user experiences in the realm of data-driven products.

What You'll Learn:

  • Understand the unique needs of domain expert users
  • Learn how to effectively combine data and design
  • Discover strategies for creating intuitive data visualizations
  • Explore the role of AI in enhancing user experiences
  • Build a strong foundation for data-driven product development

What You'll Learn

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July 23, 2024
12:58 am
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12:58 am
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UX Design for Data Intensive Products & Expert Users
Jul 23, 2024 12:58 AM
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Jul 23, 2024 12:58 AM
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This webinar will explore the challenges and opportunities of designing user experiences for data-intensive products used by domain experts. We’ll discuss how to create intuitive and effective interfaces for users who possess deep knowledge but require tools to enhance their decision-making. By combining design thinking, data analysis, and technology, we can develop solutions that not only look good but also deliver real business value.

We will delve into specific strategies for working with complex data sets, visualizing information effectively, and leveraging AI to augment user capabilities. Attendees will gain insights into designing for exploratory workflows, building trust through data integrity, and collaborating effectively with data scientists and engineers. Ultimately, this webinar aims to equip participants with the tools and knowledge to create exceptional user experiences in the realm of data-driven products.

What You'll Learn:

  • Understand the unique needs of domain expert users
  • Learn how to effectively combine data and design
  • Discover strategies for creating intuitive data visualizations
  • Explore the role of AI in enhancing user experiences
  • Build a strong foundation for data-driven product development

What You'll Learn

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