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Fight Stock Trade Fraud with AML based technology

Fight Stock Trade Fraud with AML based technology

May 13, 2021 8:00 PM
CT /
9:00 pm
May 13, 2021

The SEC and FinCEN have recently issued new guidelines for trade based Anti-Money Laundering (AML) on how to handle investigations and required steps for compliance. These new regulations and guidelines will force significant change in the trading based anti-money laundering landscape in 2021. This session will focus on how to synchronize the trader desktop and the trade sanctions back office functionality to identify real time issues and avoid sanctions in trades, settlements, AML risk profiles and non-compliance.
This event is designed in a speed dating format, focusing on key topics for under 15 minutes in order to maximize the insights. During this webinar, Expero’s team of experts will show you how to leverage these current technologies with OpenFin, Graph, Machine Learning, and Visualizations to unlock the potential in your organization.

Key Learning Topics:

Unique Challenges in Trade Based Compliance in 2021 - discuss the new trade based AML impacts and other compliance and auditing process changes; impact areas of audit & compliance and what is to be expected in 2021

Watch List & Technology Innovations - how to integrate watch list data with new technologies like master data matching, graph analytics, and ML, and how they assist in the reduction of false positives and increase accuracy

Empower the Trade Investigator & Compliance Team - discuss capabilities in visualization and human intelligence technologies that will increase throughput and provide valuable data analytics, and create quicker and more efficient outcomes for Fraud Managers, Investigators, and Data and Analytics teams 

Rise of ML & AI with ‘Explainable’ ML - how to implement practical methods of fraud identification, complex dependency and case management using ‘human-in-the-loop’ technology for higher accuracy and process streamlining

What You'll Learn

  • Session 1 (12 min): 2021 Trading based AML Complexity - Overview of SEC based trade Compliance - Trading AML mandates like Anti-Money Laundering Act of 2020 and process changes that impact audit and compliance
  • Session 2 (12 min): Art of the Possible - Identify and demonstrate how to use 3rd party data, Graph and Machine Learning, & Visualization solutions for processes improvements, provide alerts, & case management
  • Session 3 (12 min): How ML & Graph Can Help - AI & ML use cases for fraud investigation, complex dependency with ‘human-in-the-loop’ technology, accuracy improvements, and process streamlining
  • Session 4 (12 min): What Does New Technology Bring to the Party? How do all of the new FinTech like Graph, ML & OpenFin help Financial Services teams to create a modular, secure and integrated desktop for Trade desk to Trade sanctions functionality
  • Session 5 (5 min): Open Q&A
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May 13, 2021
8:00 pm
CT /
9:00 pm
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Fight Stock Trade Fraud with AML based technology
May 13, 2021 8:00 PM
CT /
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The SEC and FinCEN have recently issued new guidelines for trade based Anti-Money Laundering (AML) on how to handle investigations and required steps for compliance. These new regulations and guidelines will force significant change in the trading based anti-money laundering landscape in 2021. This session will focus on how to synchronize the trader desktop and the trade sanctions back office functionality to identify real time issues and avoid sanctions in trades, settlements, AML risk profiles and non-compliance.
This event is designed in a speed dating format, focusing on key topics for under 15 minutes in order to maximize the insights. During this webinar, Expero’s team of experts will show you how to leverage these current technologies with OpenFin, Graph, Machine Learning, and Visualizations to unlock the potential in your organization.

Key Learning Topics:

Unique Challenges in Trade Based Compliance in 2021 - discuss the new trade based AML impacts and other compliance and auditing process changes; impact areas of audit & compliance and what is to be expected in 2021

Watch List & Technology Innovations - how to integrate watch list data with new technologies like master data matching, graph analytics, and ML, and how they assist in the reduction of false positives and increase accuracy

Empower the Trade Investigator & Compliance Team - discuss capabilities in visualization and human intelligence technologies that will increase throughput and provide valuable data analytics, and create quicker and more efficient outcomes for Fraud Managers, Investigators, and Data and Analytics teams 

Rise of ML & AI with ‘Explainable’ ML - how to implement practical methods of fraud identification, complex dependency and case management using ‘human-in-the-loop’ technology for higher accuracy and process streamlining

What You'll Learn

  • Session 1 (12 min): 2021 Trading based AML Complexity - Overview of SEC based trade Compliance - Trading AML mandates like Anti-Money Laundering Act of 2020 and process changes that impact audit and compliance
  • Session 2 (12 min): Art of the Possible - Identify and demonstrate how to use 3rd party data, Graph and Machine Learning, & Visualization solutions for processes improvements, provide alerts, & case management
  • Session 3 (12 min): How ML & Graph Can Help - AI & ML use cases for fraud investigation, complex dependency with ‘human-in-the-loop’ technology, accuracy improvements, and process streamlining
  • Session 4 (12 min): What Does New Technology Bring to the Party? How do all of the new FinTech like Graph, ML & OpenFin help Financial Services teams to create a modular, secure and integrated desktop for Trade desk to Trade sanctions functionality
  • Session 5 (5 min): Open Q&A

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