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Dive into our world and find out what we have to say about technology, UX, and software development.

5 Things Developers Should Know About UX

Software and web developers often wear many hats, including the UX/UI hat. But some developers lack the knowledge and skills to design UIs or to collaborate effectively with UX designers and researchers.

Bringing Game-Changing Insights to Your Business with Graph Databases

Congratulations! Your data is up and running in a graph database and you have big plans for this technology. But now the system is overtaxed and not performing properly. Don't worry- the database may not be the culprit. Proper user experience and visualization techniques can greatly improve performance and dynamic data interaction.

DataStax Edition: Optimizing Logistics & Supply-Chain with Graph

Learn how DataStax Graph Technology will improve delivery times, minimize transport risk through data analysis and increase product satisfaction.